Commercial, Website
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) continue to be the key to innovation and the engine of sustainable economic growth and job creation in Jordan. SMEs represent roughly 95 percent of all registered companies in Jordan, contribute 50 percent or more to GDP and provide employment to an estimated 60 percent of the Jordanian workforce. Despite the crucial role they play in Jordan’s economic growth, SMEs-- and particularly women-owned SMEs-- have great difficulty accessing the financing needed for start-up and growth. Bank financing for SMEs is limited by a financial infrastructure that lacks credit information, provides weak creditor rights, and is constrained by a deficient secured transactions (collateral) infrastructure. USAID, in partnership with the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), established the USAID Jordan Loan Guarantee Facility (JLGF), an inclusive finance activity that is improving access to finance for SMEs in Jordan. USAID JLGF provides partial loan guarantees and technical assistance to mobilize bank financing for creditworthy but previously underserved SMEs. Consistent with USAID objectives, USAID JLGF is promoting long-term sustainable development through high-impact partnerships with the private sector and financial institutions in Jordan and is facilitating the introduction and application of best practices in SME financial management and SME credit. USAID JLGF is stimulating private-sector-to-private-sector investment – the most effective path to sustainable economic growth, job creation, and community development.
Website Design
Office #112, Al Husseini Complex,
314 Zahran Street
7th Circle, Amman, Jordan
Sun. - Thu. 09:00 - 18:00